Beacause I've missed blogging and I have no inspiration whatsoever.
So short life update:
Ajhhhhjsgakabasbnchsiaobaskjh. It´s finally over. School is finally over. If you didn´t know, I am a baby human as well as a baby blogger. That means I am only fourteen. That means I just had those exams everyone is stressing about in Romania (I don´t get the fuss. I´m a genius after all.) and next year I´m going to high school. Woop-woop I´ll be a freshman. Sooooo what I´m trying to say is that I´ll be blogging a lot more now that I´m done with school and all that boring stuff.
Now that we´re done with talking about my normal life (let´s be real, no one cares about that*), let´s talk about my reading life. It hasn´t been really good and not just because of the exams but because I am a big pile of Netflix laziness who betrayed books in favour of watching Sherlock (in my defense, it is based on books, quite glorious ones really). On the other hand, I am 11 books ahead on my Goodreads Reading Challenge but I have no idea how that happened.
I have only been blogging for a few months and it hasn´t been serious. But I solemnly swear that after this hiatus I will blog a looooootttttt more. And I do promise my very intelligent brain (no he´s not arrogant how dare you) will come up with better ideas than doing another tag because I feel like that´s all I´ve been doing (understand the excitement of a new born...ummm...human).
Now that we´ve settled I´m a really bad blogger and I need help (heeeeeelp me), let us begin.
*I´m serious, get me friends
1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2017.
Has anyone ever answered this question with just one book? Like...seriously? We´re talikng about bookworms here, basically the most indecisive creatures to grace the galaxies. Ok so I´ll go with Alex Approximately by Jenn Bennett, When Dimple Met Rishi bt Sandhya Menon ( I wrote this from memory I can´t believe I got the names right), A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas (yes slayyyy queen) and Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff.
I´ve already answered the last question with two sequels but, since you´re being nice and giving me another chance, I´ll say A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab (yes, Cait has finally convinced me to continue this series and I do not regret it. Hmmm maybe we should accept her world domination after all).
Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare. I´ve been ready for this my whole life but when it comes out I obviously can´t get into it because duuuh #logic.
Need I talk about Tower of Dawn or should I just flail?
Geekerella by Ashley Poston. I was expecting so much geekiness and fun and instead I got...whining and boredom.
Illuminae and Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. I don´t usually read sci-fi but this has become one of my all-time favourites. But really...all those characters. Ahhhh I mean badass girls and adorable boys (Nik you guyssss) and all of the amazingness.
Leslye Walton. I loved The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender, even though I was a little late on reading it, but unfortunately she doesn´t have any other books out for me to consume/eat/drink/sleep on (idk man whatever you like doing with your books).
8. Newest fictional crush.
Have I not mentioned Nik already? *swoon*
9. Newest favourite character.
This is even harder than choosing a favourite book. I get attached to characters because I have no friends in real life (haha really help). I´ll say Helion just because he was new in ACOWAR and he is my High Lord and he made me put him on this list. (love him though)
10. Book that made you cry.
I feel like I´m repeating myself but seriously. ACOWAR. It hurt, my friends. It hurt.
11. Book that made you happy.
My Lady Jane. It was so much fun and I loved every bit of it.
12. Favourite book to film adaptation you saw this year.
I haven´t seen any this year and, let´s be honest, it probably wasn´t a big loss. Although, does the 50000th rewatch of Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them count?
13. Favourite review you've written this year.
Well I´ve only written two of these this year which is fine cause you people wouldn´t want to have to suffer through more but I will try to work on that. So making the hard choice between two reviews, I´ll just go with my The Sun Is Also a Star review.

14. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received).
Bone Gap by Laura Ruby. Both Kyra and Cait were talking about it so I obviously got it (I trust them with my life...well umm my reading life). Haven´t read it yet but that cover is absolutely worth it. Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor is also a close second.

15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
Need isn´t exactly the word my TBR would use. I think it would prefer the term must/I will kill you in your sleep if you don´t read this. Really, I basically need to read my whole bookshelf but if there´s a book that is jumping at me from the top of my TBR it would have to be The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stieffvater because it´s honestly so long overdue and everyone loves it but I just...can´t?
That was it, the glorious return of my blogging. I hope y´all enjoyed this and do it on your own blog (or in your head, the way I used to before having a blog).
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