About Us

  Hi! Hey! *insert more awkward greetings* I´m Lori and I kinda love books. So I tought the best way of sharing this slight obsession would be to start a blog. I also thought that since me and Louise do (almost) everything together, it would be a great idea to drag her into this too.

  Sooo more personal info because we all know that´s what you´re here for. I am a teenager from Romania (Yes, that Dracula country. No,it´s not the only thing about Romania. Charlie also studies dragons here.).

  I´ve always loved reading but I only got into YA last year. The first YA book I read was Red Queen (saw it on Buzzfeed Books) and for a long time it was my fave. As I read more of this genre I realized it has a lot of flaws but it´s still one of my faves for sentimental reasons.

  My favourite author (not including J.K.Rowling) is Sarah J. Maas and Aelin and Rhysand are ma BAEs. My dream is to become a writer or a publisher (but who says you can´t do both?), though I also kind of really like biology so my future is a mystery.

  Apparently I don´t really know myself cause that´s all I can say. K bye

P.S. love youuuu

  Hi! This time it´s Louise. Ok, so as you might already know this wasn't my idea but it is a good one so I don't want to miss the fun. JK. I love reading too, it's one of my favourite things to do (excluding listening to music and make up). Im also from Romania and the same age as Lori, so you do the math now.

  My first ever YA must be Red Queen as well. I started reading like a complete desperate because of Lori, so I might as well thank her for passing me this obsession. I'm not sure about my future yet. I just let life take me wherever it wants. I'm still young to think about serious matters so ya.

  That's basically me, I don't know what else to say...

