Quote Note #1 // Childhood Favourites

Because quotes are pretty much keeping me alive at this point

I LOVE quotes so so much. I love how they can capture a story´s or even a character´s essence and I love how they can help little sad beans like me hope.

Honestly, I just realized I don´t really know why sad beans (or any beans for the matter) even like quotes. What is so special about them? Obviously I´m not answering that. Though sometimes I like to pretend I am deep and philosophical, I am not able to answer such a question. So I just accept the mystery of a bookworm´s attraction to quotes and splatter them on every inch of wall in my room.

So because I love them so much, I decided to start this thing where I just kinda share them with you from once in a while and I flail and I die inside (not that I´m not already dead). So for the first one I am starting at the start of my GREAT literary career: my childhood. I feel like I´m talking too much but it´s such a familiar feeling I´ve kinda learned to ignore it.

  1. From His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman

This series used to be my favourite growing up and I seriously cannot tell you how much of an impact it had on me as a child. So basically because of it I have become the beautiful perfect bookworm I am today (we´ve already established I´m not humble). Yes, I am planning on naming my future daughter (or son, he´ll understand) Lyra.

Unfortunately for me, these books don´t have many memorable quotes because they don´t need them to be AWESOME and memorable by themselves. But this is one that has stuck with me because it was the first time my cute adorable brain was put in front of this weird concept of love (and I still don´t get it people).

Also OHMYGOD don´t get me started on how excited I am about the new book coming out in this universe THIS YEAR. *insert extreme fangirling sounds*

  1. From A Wrinkle In Time be Madeleine L´Engle

I don´t even remember if this was in the actual book or it was just said my Madeleine L´Engle. I just know this makes me smile every time (and that´s no easy feat for I have a soul of blackness*). It´s just a reminder that not everyone has to believe in my "crazy" books (can you believe what is considered crazy these days in society) and ideas. It´s important that I believe in them and the others can be slowly TURNED TO THE DARK SIDE.

* I promise, I don´t actually speak like this but one can dream

I wasn´t planning on doing a long post today so I won´t bore you anymore (see, I say this but I am really hoping you are not bored). Tell me what are some of the quotes that have stuck with you since you were a child--umm, I mean fetus book dragon.
