
Hello everyone! I know I have been the most inactive person ever and I am so sorry but I promise I will make it up to you. The both of us have been stressed because we hade an exam, but now we have a lot of time on our hands.

So, Lori and I have been talking and we've agreed to make this blog kind of a lifestyle blog, like we'll still be posting book stuff, but we also want you to peek inside our lives and see more of ourselves.

And we want to know how you feel about this change so feel free to just leave a nice comment on this topic.

Also, our Instagram page will still be up and we'll still have the bookstagram so at least that will totally be dedicated to books.

We thank you for not giving up and being patient with us and we hope you'll be just as thrilled about this "change" as us!

Much love, Louise 💕
